Advice for Muslim women

Advice for Muslim women


umm abdillah al wadi3iyya daughter of sheikh muqbil

published by dar al muslim

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: ST-1186
: BOOKS The Muslim woman

Advice to Muslim Women" is one of the most widely read books on women's issues translated into French in recent years. At the heart of Islamic literature, never before has a book covered so much of the need for religious instruction for women. Today, this Islamic book is a success in the Ummah for the teachings it conveys.

Who is the author of "Advice for Muslim Women"?

Advice for Muslim Women" was written by Umm Abdillah Al Wadi'iyya. She is the daughter of the eminent Yemeni scholar Sheikh Mouqbil îbn Hâdi Al- Wâdi'î. One of the twentieth-century scholars who contributed much to the community through his knowledge and work for Tawhid. May Allah have mercy on him. The Sheikh had two daughters whom he educated in Science. He hoped they would become faqeehas. This reasoning leads us directly to question our own condition and that of our daughters at the heart of Muslim society. This book was therefore written by the Sheikh's daughter, based on evidence drawn from the Koran and Sunnah under his supervision. Today, it is a reference for the French-speaking Muslim community.

The wisdom behind the book

Although this book is dedicated to Muslim women, it is equally important for men and women. Dear Brothers and Sisters, by reading "Conseils aux femmes musulmanes" you will each learn a lesson. The author has written this book as a reference for Muslim women. Observing the condition of many women in Yemen, Oum 'Abdillah set about writing this book. She saw that the path of right living was not often respected in the home. The daughter of a Muslim scholar, she notes from what she has learned that women in her country are either uneducated in Islam. And that other women are influenced by foreign ideas that are detrimental to them.

This book is therefore a very useful reminder.

The usefulness of this book for our mothers and sisters

"Advice to Muslim Women" is a book that calls for good morals. The woman who reads it will realize that it is full of mercy. Above all, it is an eulogy to good behavior and, above all, to knowing one's rights in Islam. We would also like to assure men that Islam is an honor for women. They must therefore strive to be virtuous towards their wives and daughters. This is the behavior recommended by Prophetic tradition. Here's a useful saying:

  • According to 'Abdallah Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them), the Prophet (may the prayer of Allah and His salvation be upon him) said:

"There is no Muslim who has two daughters and takes good care of them as long as they are with him without them bringing him into paradise".

(Reported by Ibn Maja and authenticated by Sheikh Albani in Sahih Targhib n°1971).


Specific References