Funeral rites and their innovations
Author(s) | Sheikh Al-Albani |
Cover | Hardback |
Publication date | 2013 |
Dimensions | 24 x 17 cm |
Publisher(s) | Al Ma'arif Bookshop |
ISBN | 3045050086274 |
Language | French |
Number of pages | 394 |
Would you like to learn more about funeral rites and their innovations? Our Muslim bookshop offers you this essential book.
Excerpt from the book Funeral rites and their innovations
According to Abu Rafi' (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (may the prayers of Allah and His salvation be upon him) said: "Whoever washes a believer and reveals nothing concerning him (*), Allah forgives him forty times over. Whoever digs his grave and puts him in it has a reward equivalent to having given him a dwelling in which to shelter him until the Day of Judgment.
And whoever puts him in his shroud. Allah will clothe him on the Day of Judgment in the silk and brocade of paradise."
(Reported by Al Hakim and authenticated by Sheikh Albani in Ahkam Al Janaiz p 69)
(*) That is, from what he could see of his body during washing.
According to Anas (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (may the prayers of Allah and His salvation be upon him) said: "When one of you cares for his brother (1), let him put on a beautiful shroud (2) for they are certainly resurrected in their shrouds (3) and they visit each other while wearing their shrouds (4)".
(Reported by Al Khatib and authenticated by Sheikh Albani in Silsila Sahiha n°1425)
عن أنس رضي الله عنه قال النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم : إذا ولي أحدكم أخاه فليحسن كفنه فإنهم يبعثون في أكفانهم و يتزاورون في أكفانهم
(رواه الخطيب و صححه الشيخ الألباني في السلسلة الصحيحة رقم ١٤٢٥)
(1) I.e. when he is busy preparing his brother for burial after his death.
(2) I.e. clean and wide but without exaggerating in its price.
(3) I.e. the dead wear their shrouds at the time of resurrection and then they are taken off and everyone will be naked as mentioned in several authentic ahadiths.
(See for example the hadith below)
(4) That is, the souls of the dead visit each other.
(See Fayd Al Qadir by Imam Al Mounawi, hadith n°900)
According to 'Aicha (may Allah be pleased with her), the Prophet (may the prayers of Allah and His salvation be upon him) said: "People will be gathered without shoes, naked and uncircumcised".
I said: O Messenger of Allah! Men and women together, one looking towards the other?
The Prophet (PBUH) said: "The situation will be too hard for them to be interested".
(Reported in his Sahih Al Bukhari n°6527 and Mouslim in his Sahih n°2859)