tawhid lessons
Among the subjects covered in Al-Qawl Al-Mufid are association (As Shirk), the minor and the major. As you can see, this is an essential subject, as any of these associations will take the Muslim out of Islam. The book also deals with subjects referring to the Holy Book (Quran). Number of pages: 239.
Interested in purchasing the must-have Tawhid lessons book? Your SunnahStore will take the time to tell you all about it. The book is divided into 76 equally beneficial lessons. We recommend this book for its quality and, above all, for the content of the subjects it covers.
Lessons of Tawhid, an indispensable book for knowing Allah
In the Muslim religion, there are 5 pillars ofIslam. The first pillar is the attestation of faith, which is why it's important to deepen our knowledge of Allah the Most High! The book Lessons of Tawhid is full of beneficial advice for improving our relationship with our Lord.
In this book, you'll find countless topics on authentic Islamic belief .
Clear lessons for everyday life
Among the subjects covered in Al-Qawl Al-Mufid are association (As Shirk), the minor and the major. As you can see, this is an essential subject, as any of these associations will take the Muslim out of Islam. The book also deals with subjects referring to the Holy Book (Quran). Number of pages: 239.
A recommendation from a noble scholar of Islam
This book is worthy of being taught to students in schools because of the great good it contains. Modest in size, it nevertheless contains greatly beneficial teachings.
May Allah bless the efforts of brother Muhammad Al-Wasâbî who has taken on this eminent task. I ask Allah to grant him success in pursuing the path leading to the salvation of societies from the fabrications that have weakened them.
By Allah's grace, this book has been included in the curriculum of many schools of the sunna. And it's rare to find a Sunni who doesn't have this book at home.
May Allah recompense our brother Abû Ibrâhîm with good, reward him, and make him a beneficial element for Islam and Muslims.
The noble scholar Sheikh Muqbil Al-Wâdi'î (May Allah have mercy on him).